Its not sturdy enough for an adult to sleep crazy on it. My daughter loves it. Box was damaged and part of the metal was bent. My husband was able to bend it back into shape. Easy to assemble the instructions were step by step clear. Love it! Added Lights under it to make it cool
Update: sep 1 2022
Bends easy, my daughter sleeps on it and the bottom already bent. Squeaks a lot. Its just falling apart and we havent had it too long. Oh well Need to look for a new bed
Easy to set up
Its not sturdy enough for an adult to sleep crazy on it. My daughter loves it. Box was damaged and part of the metal was bent. My husband was able to bend it back into shape. Easy to assemble the instructions were step by step clear. Love it! Added Lights under it to make it cool Update: sep 1 2022 Bends easy, my daughter sleeps on it and the bottom already bent. Squeaks a lot. Its just falling apart and we havent had it too long. Oh well Need to look for a new bed