My kids are loving this bunk bed. It was easy to assemble, although it is a large piece of furniture so there are a fair number of assembly steps. Im most impressed with how sturdy it is. So many bunk beds we checked out would easily sway some if you pushed the top bunk. This bed is solid though. The most solid assemble yourself furniture Ive had. And this was probably the least expensive bed we checked out. Win, win, win. Be sure to have it
Looks great. Very solid. Easy to assemble.
My kids are loving this bunk bed. It was easy to assemble, although it is a large piece of furniture so there are a fair number of assembly steps. Im most impressed with how sturdy it is. So many bunk beds we checked out would easily sway some if you pushed the top bunk. This bed is solid though. The most solid assemble yourself furniture Ive had. And this was probably the least expensive bed we checked out. Win, win, win. Be sure to have it