This arrived in one large package. It wasnt hard to assemble but it took a little while. A couple of assembly tips. Tip1: On Step 1: when you slip the slats into the top and bottom rails, its tricky to get them all lined up to get the top and bottom rails on. Once you do, you REALLY have to push them tight or the side pieces wont align with the holes. I had to use a soft mallet to gently tap them in properly. Tip 2: The instructions are in pictures, so you REALLY need to pay close attention to those pictures. Tip 3: Many of the screws are very close in size so line them up to see the difference. Dont be intimidated, just be patient Everything lines up and it looks good once you finish. It feels sturdy too. looks beautiful in my entryway
Love this bed!
This arrived in one large package. It wasnt hard to assemble but it took a little while. A couple of assembly tips. Tip1: On Step 1: when you slip the slats into the top and bottom rails, its tricky to get them all lined up to get the top and bottom rails on. Once you do, you REALLY have to push them tight or the side pieces wont align with the holes. I had to use a soft mallet to gently tap them in properly. Tip 2: The instructions are in pictures, so you REALLY need to pay close attention to those pictures. Tip 3: Many of the screws are very close in size so line them up to see the difference. Dont be intimidated, just be patient Everything lines up and it looks good once you finish. It feels sturdy too. looks beautiful in my entryway