This bench, is beautiful and very sturdy. I assembled it (attaching the legs) in 15 minutes, no tools required (small wrench provided). It arrived in 1 week in perfect condition. Best of all, the price was phenomenal and shipping was free. I have been searching for a long time, and similar benches in my local furniture stores cost twice as much. I am using it for additional seating at my dining room more folding chairs-hurrah!
is beautiful and very sturdy
This bench, is beautiful and very sturdy. I assembled it (attaching the legs) in 15 minutes, no tools required (small wrench provided). It arrived in 1 week in perfect condition. Best of all, the price was phenomenal and shipping was free. I have been searching for a long time, and similar benches in my local furniture stores cost twice as much. I am using it for additional seating at my dining room more folding chairs-hurrah!