Exceeded my expectation on quality Love this bed, but it was the hardest thing to assemble. We buy lots of furniture and assemble things quite frequently and this was the hardest of anything Ive ever had to put together. It was worth it though, its beautiful. Instructions need to be adjusted. I do believe we were given wrong parts because we had to manually make screw holes in certain parts. But its stunning and now after all that, I can say I am happy with my purchase.
Great bed, hard to assemble
Exceeded my expectation on quality Love this bed, but it was the hardest thing to assemble. We buy lots of furniture and assemble things quite frequently and this was the hardest of anything Ive ever had to put together. It was worth it though, its beautiful. Instructions need to be adjusted. I do believe we were given wrong parts because we had to manually make screw holes in certain parts. But its stunning and now after all that, I can say I am happy with my purchase.