This was even better than I expected for an online purchase Excellent value and my tween loves it. Gives her some cool height and she made a little lounging area underneath. She loves it.
Very sturdy. I was surprised based on experience with other similar products.
And I can honestly say the directions were the best of anything Ive ever had to assemble. I am a 49 yr old woman and I did most of it myself with my son holding this or that for me while I screwed in parts. Everything was labeled and wrapped separately. Follow the directions and you are all set. Highly recommend
Excellent purchase. Very pleased.
This was even better than I expected for an online purchase Excellent value and my tween loves it. Gives her some cool height and she made a little lounging area underneath. She loves it. Very sturdy. I was surprised based on experience with other similar products. And I can honestly say the directions were the best of anything Ive ever had to assemble. I am a 49 yr old woman and I did most of it myself with my son holding this or that for me while I screwed in parts. Everything was labeled and wrapped separately. Follow the directions and you are all set. Highly recommend