I have purchased many Sauder items over the years because they are sturdy, reasonably priced and easy to assemble. The only reason I didnt go with a 5-star on this purchase of two cabinets is that both packages had some flaws on them. There were several nicks along edges, some scratches on the shelf under the drawer and some cracked foot brackets. I didnt need to return them or get any replacement pieces only because the problem areas were OK for my purposes of the cabinets. I also found the pieces unusually dirty from sawdust and styrofoam flecks.
My Go-To Brand
I have purchased many Sauder items over the years because they are sturdy, reasonably priced and easy to assemble. The only reason I didnt go with a 5-star on this purchase of two cabinets is that both packages had some flaws on them. There were several nicks along edges, some scratches on the shelf under the drawer and some cracked foot brackets. I didnt need to return them or get any replacement pieces only because the problem areas were OK for my purposes of the cabinets. I also found the pieces unusually dirty from sawdust and styrofoam flecks.