Perhaps the best step/by/step assembly instructions (and parts labeling) ever. Easy to put together. Seems pretty sturdy, although after only a couple of months the legs on one (of two) that I bought appear to have bent a little // but Im not sure any bed is designed to stand up to the abuse my 240 pound teenage son offers while wrestling his younger brother. One tip for assembly: only lightly start tightening the bolts // and leave them loose // until all of the parts are together, then go back and tighten them all.
Solid and easy to assemble.
Perhaps the best step/by/step assembly instructions (and parts labeling) ever. Easy to put together. Seems pretty sturdy, although after only a couple of months the legs on one (of two) that I bought appear to have bent a little // but Im not sure any bed is designed to stand up to the abuse my 240 pound teenage son offers while wrestling his younger brother. One tip for assembly: only lightly start tightening the bolts // and leave them loose // until all of the parts are together, then go back and tighten them all.