Love these stylish and sturdy products! this is a good bed for the price. Assembly super easy as others have pointed out, should take note. No spending time arguing with spouse/helper which side is the left/right handed one, everything is labeled.
The bed in itself is simple. Mattress sits flat on top and only sticky tape to hold it in place. I imagine this will wear out over time. It would have been better if they had built the platform sunk in an inch with rails on each side for stability. Yes, that would probably make the frame a few inches wider and cost a bit more in materials.
A good bed for a small space. We upgraded from a queen bed and this is just slightly wider.
inexpensive and simple
Love these stylish and sturdy products! this is a good bed for the price. Assembly super easy as others have pointed out, should take note. No spending time arguing with spouse/helper which side is the left/right handed one, everything is labeled. The bed in itself is simple. Mattress sits flat on top and only sticky tape to hold it in place. I imagine this will wear out over time. It would have been better if they had built the platform sunk in an inch with rails on each side for stability. Yes, that would probably make the frame a few inches wider and cost a bit more in materials. A good bed for a small space. We upgraded from a queen bed and this is just slightly wider.