I was a little Leary on buying these as some reviews said there were bugs in theirs. I had no issues with insects at all (thank god). They are pretty easy to put together and pretty sturdy. Theyre decently high up, maybe a hair too high for my island but idc Im still using them there. Theyre beautiful and have a fancy elegant look. Cannot get much nicer for the price. Im definitely happy with my purchase! Hopefully theyre not as still once they get broken in more!
Nice looking, not super comfortable!
I was a little Leary on buying these as some reviews said there were bugs in theirs. I had no issues with insects at all (thank god). They are pretty easy to put together and pretty sturdy. Theyre decently high up, maybe a hair too high for my island but idc Im still using them there. Theyre beautiful and have a fancy elegant look. Cannot get much nicer for the price. Im definitely happy with my purchase! Hopefully theyre not as still once they get broken in more!