It doesnt look very sturdy but the overall look and feel is good
The furniture arrived in two boxes. It took me 4 hours to put it together. The instructions are not very clear and intuitive. It doesnt look very sturdy but the overall look and feel is good. I am not planning to put a TV on top of it, I doubt if it can carry that weight. I think for the money, the assembly instructions can be more clear and the quality can be better.
It doesnt look very sturdy but the overall look and feel is good
The furniture arrived in two boxes. It took me 4 hours to put it together. The instructions are not very clear and intuitive. It doesnt look very sturdy but the overall look and feel is good. I am not planning to put a TV on top of it, I doubt if it can carry that weight. I think for the money, the assembly instructions can be more clear and the quality can be better.