I love this bed for my daughter. It’s worth the price and it was easy to assemble and it’s sturdy. I hope it stays sturdy after my daughter puts her wear and tear into it. You have to read instructions carefully when putting pieces A and B into the K1 and K2 pieces because it can be confusing. Overall it’s a nice kiddie bed. I put the LED lights on the top piece and put a box spring because my daughter wanted the bed higher off the floor.
Nice and unique bed frame for the price
I love this bed for my daughter. It’s worth the price and it was easy to assemble and it’s sturdy. I hope it stays sturdy after my daughter puts her wear and tear into it. You have to read instructions carefully when putting pieces A and B into the K1 and K2 pieces because it can be confusing. Overall it’s a nice kiddie bed. I put the LED lights on the top piece and put a box spring because my daughter wanted the bed higher off the floor.