Not warm enough to protect plants in 30/degree weather, but overall, great product
The product was pretty easy to assemble. It took my husband and I about 30 minutes to assemble. You will probably need someone to help you put it together just to hold things while you install the other end of a (PVC) support bar. We didnt really need any tools to put it together / just a hammer to lightly tap in a few connections that were a little snug. My husband was skeptical about the purchase, but he was very surprised at how sturdy it was, how big it was and the price. He kept saying how he couldnt believe how nice it was admiring his work putting it together. We placed it on a cement slab in the back yard with the back up against a wooden fence to help protect it from wind. We didnt tie it down anywhere but we placed cement blocks on the bottom flaps to keep it grounded. So far it has held up wellweve had it for about 2 months. Living in North Texas we have had a pretty mild winter. Its only gone down to 30 twice since Ive had the greenhouse. I meant to put a small heater in it to protect my plants, but didnt get around to doing it because we were amed at how warm it was inside the greenhouse versus outside. However, I didnt act fast enough when it went down to 30 degrees and my plants suffered for it. I tried putting a plant heat lamp in it but it didnt help. Now Ive placed a small personal heater in there and its working great. Hopefully my plants will bounce back. Overall, good purchase, worth the money. Pretty sturdy, its stood up to a lot of rain and some wind. I would highly recommend the greenhouse. We were both amed at how big it was, how many big houseplants we could fit in it and how little it cost (relative to others). And now Ive learned to put a heater in it when the temps dip / live and learn
Not warm enough to protect plants in 30/degree weather, but overall, great product
The product was pretty easy to assemble. It took my husband and I about 30 minutes to assemble. You will probably need someone to help you put it together just to hold things while you install the other end of a (PVC) support bar. We didnt really need any tools to put it together / just a hammer to lightly tap in a few connections that were a little snug. My husband was skeptical about the purchase, but he was very surprised at how sturdy it was, how big it was and the price. He kept saying how he couldnt believe how nice it was admiring his work putting it together. We placed it on a cement slab in the back yard with the back up against a wooden fence to help protect it from wind. We didnt tie it down anywhere but we placed cement blocks on the bottom flaps to keep it grounded. So far it has held up wellweve had it for about 2 months. Living in North Texas we have had a pretty mild winter. Its only gone down to 30 twice since Ive had the greenhouse. I meant to put a small heater in it to protect my plants, but didnt get around to doing it because we were amed at how warm it was inside the greenhouse versus outside. However, I didnt act fast enough when it went down to 30 degrees and my plants suffered for it. I tried putting a plant heat lamp in it but it didnt help. Now Ive placed a small personal heater in there and its working great. Hopefully my plants will bounce back. Overall, good purchase, worth the money. Pretty sturdy, its stood up to a lot of rain and some wind. I would highly recommend the greenhouse. We were both amed at how big it was, how many big houseplants we could fit in it and how little it cost (relative to others). And now Ive learned to put a heater in it when the temps dip / live and learn