I really like both the look and the comfort of this couch. It seems pretty sturdy as well. The only issue I have with this is that sometimes when sitting down the couch will separate. Due to the shape of the couch it comes in two parts. And when you put it together it is basically two small metal pieces (one on each section of couch) that fit into each other. I think they could have made this a more sturdy connection. Overall very happy with it still, however. and came earlier than expected
Looks nice and very comfortable
I really like both the look and the comfort of this couch. It seems pretty sturdy as well. The only issue I have with this is that sometimes when sitting down the couch will separate. Due to the shape of the couch it comes in two parts. And when you put it together it is basically two small metal pieces (one on each section of couch) that fit into each other. I think they could have made this a more sturdy connection. Overall very happy with it still, however. and came earlier than expected