Great Value, Sturdy, Easy Assembly, Heavy Person-Friendly
First of all-- some assembly required would be an understatement. The adjustability of the chase orientation means that you really have to put all of the pieces together when they come-- but it is well worth the effort.
I was pleasantly surprised quality and comfort of such an affordable couch-- but lets call a spade a spade here-- it is a cheap couch. When you get done assembling, the pieces of the back may not perfectly line up. The cushion for the ottoman may be slightly off-center. As time goes on, youll notice a little more give in the back-- but for the price, you really cant beat what you get here. If youre caught up on perfect aesthetics, move on, this couch is not for you. Spend the extra dollars for something you dont have to put together yourself.
But if you have children, are accident prone, or have heavy people in your life who go through furniture like it was disposable, please order away. You can obviously get better if you can afford it, but if you are on a budget, this is a good way to go.
Great Value, Sturdy, Easy Assembly, Heavy Person-Friendly
First of all-- some assembly required would be an understatement. The adjustability of the chase orientation means that you really have to put all of the pieces together when they come-- but it is well worth the effort. I was pleasantly surprised quality and comfort of such an affordable couch-- but lets call a spade a spade here-- it is a cheap couch. When you get done assembling, the pieces of the back may not perfectly line up. The cushion for the ottoman may be slightly off-center. As time goes on, youll notice a little more give in the back-- but for the price, you really cant beat what you get here. If youre caught up on perfect aesthetics, move on, this couch is not for you. Spend the extra dollars for something you dont have to put together yourself. But if you have children, are accident prone, or have heavy people in your life who go through furniture like it was disposable, please order away. You can obviously get better if you can afford it, but if you are on a budget, this is a good way to go.