This table is beautiful and unique. The color is just as vibrant as pictured. So easy to assemble. Just attach the legs, 10 minutes tops. Its pretty sturdy, heavy. One thing though, I wish they would pack it better. Mine came scratched and chipped. I didnt send it back for a new one because it was clear from the poor packaging that I was lucky to get it in one piece. So I just have the scratched size facing the wall.
Pretty, but the packaging is poor
This table is beautiful and unique. The color is just as vibrant as pictured. So easy to assemble. Just attach the legs, 10 minutes tops. Its pretty sturdy, heavy. One thing though, I wish they would pack it better. Mine came scratched and chipped. I didnt send it back for a new one because it was clear from the poor packaging that I was lucky to get it in one piece. So I just have the scratched size facing the wall.