I bought this bed for my 3 year old daughter. It came in a 7 foot tall box via UPS from Canada. The box looked a little worn at arrival but the packaging was outstanding and the bed undamaged. It took a little while to put it together but the look on my daughters face when she got to jump on it for the first time was worth it, I would suggest buying the headboard/bookcase as it makes the bed complete.
my two cents Bought two great value for the money, durable.
My Little girl loves her big girl bed
I bought this bed for my 3 year old daughter. It came in a 7 foot tall box via UPS from Canada. The box looked a little worn at arrival but the packaging was outstanding and the bed undamaged. It took a little while to put it together but the look on my daughters face when she got to jump on it for the first time was worth it, I would suggest buying the headboard/bookcase as it makes the bed complete. my two cents Bought two great value for the money, durable.