Bought a full size for my daughter and was incredibly impressed by the ease of assembly and the sturdiness, as well as the simple, clean look. A few weeks later, decided to buy the queen size for myself. This bed truly goes together in 30-40 minutes and looks great when assembled. Also, love how much clearance there is below the bed, it has allowed me to rethink and utilize that space in a better way for storage.
Love it so much weve now bought 2 of them!
Bought a full size for my daughter and was incredibly impressed by the ease of assembly and the sturdiness, as well as the simple, clean look. A few weeks later, decided to buy the queen size for myself. This bed truly goes together in 30-40 minutes and looks great when assembled. Also, love how much clearance there is below the bed, it has allowed me to rethink and utilize that space in a better way for storage.