The neighborhood kids absolutely love this trampoline! It was very easy for two people to set up. The instructions are clear. It took about 1.5 hrs. It is very sturdy. Love the safety nets and the added touch of the LED lights on top. Makes evening BBQs that last late into the night more fun for the kids. Also, fun to use kinda like a tent. Threw a sheet over the top, the netting kept out the bugs, added lots of blankets and pillows to create a nest for the kids. It was great for camping in the backyard.
I’m the favorite house on the block
The neighborhood kids absolutely love this trampoline! It was very easy for two people to set up. The instructions are clear. It took about 1.5 hrs. It is very sturdy. Love the safety nets and the added touch of the LED lights on top. Makes evening BBQs that last late into the night more fun for the kids. Also, fun to use kinda like a tent. Threw a sheet over the top, the netting kept out the bugs, added lots of blankets and pillows to create a nest for the kids. It was great for camping in the backyard.