This mirror is more y bronze than the goldish color it appears in the photos. It is not sturdy or a strongly structured material, but incredibly flimsy. I was very disappointed upon receiving this item. It is no better than a Bed Bath Beyond or Target mirror for 1/4 the cost. That said, I am impressed it arrived in one piece. It is not heavy, but the box is enormous. The looks like a strong metal material in the pictures, but it is just plastic, thin and feels as if it could easily bend in half. Its like they were more concerned with making the mirror look quality than it actually being quality.
Color Not as Pictured, Cheaply Made, Flimsy
This mirror is more y bronze than the goldish color it appears in the photos. It is not sturdy or a strongly structured material, but incredibly flimsy. I was very disappointed upon receiving this item. It is no better than a Bed Bath Beyond or Target mirror for 1/4 the cost. That said, I am impressed it arrived in one piece. It is not heavy, but the box is enormous. The looks like a strong metal material in the pictures, but it is just plastic, thin and feels as if it could easily bend in half. Its like they were more concerned with making the mirror look quality than it actually being quality.