So easy to put together for someone as mechanically challenged as I am. Amazing and spacious chairs. I can sit with my legs crossed comfortably. Base is sturdy and built well. Overall love the look of it!
But this was a pain to assemble. Took forever to align the holes to put the base to the back rest. I was also missing a screw and found it clinking around INSIDE the chair, where I cant even retrieve it without ripping the fabric open.
Beautiful modern spacious chairs
So easy to put together for someone as mechanically challenged as I am. Amazing and spacious chairs. I can sit with my legs crossed comfortably. Base is sturdy and built well. Overall love the look of it! But this was a pain to assemble. Took forever to align the holes to put the base to the back rest. I was also missing a screw and found it clinking around INSIDE the chair, where I cant even retrieve it without ripping the fabric open.