The assembly wasnt too bad with two people doing it. The table is sturdy and works well. You just have to follow instructions and its a good table. I saw reviews before I bought it that said the legs broke if you move it too much but I love this table a lot to move it further away or closer to my couch and all you have to do is just be careful if its created dents in your carpet and settled. If not you can just push it at the bottom and it glides easily on carpet. Thats just common sense to me but its a good table for a good price. I love it and Ive had it for 4 months now
Good value for price
The assembly wasnt too bad with two people doing it. The table is sturdy and works well. You just have to follow instructions and its a good table. I saw reviews before I bought it that said the legs broke if you move it too much but I love this table a lot to move it further away or closer to my couch and all you have to do is just be careful if its created dents in your carpet and settled. If not you can just push it at the bottom and it glides easily on carpet. Thats just common sense to me but its a good table for a good price. I love it and Ive had it for 4 months now