I was looking for this product to organize my hair products and cosmetics. The cabinet arrived well packed and undamaged. The assembly instructions were concise and easy to understand. It took me less than an hour to fully assemble the cabinet. Overall, the quality is very good. It looks like a much more expensive piece of furniture. I bought several small bins that fit on the shelves perfectly for a polished look. The price and quality are two big reasons Id recommend purchasing this if youre looking for a cabinet. very pleasantly surprised
Impressed with the quality.
I was looking for this product to organize my hair products and cosmetics. The cabinet arrived well packed and undamaged. The assembly instructions were concise and easy to understand. It took me less than an hour to fully assemble the cabinet. Overall, the quality is very good. It looks like a much more expensive piece of furniture. I bought several small bins that fit on the shelves perfectly for a polished look. The price and quality are two big reasons Id recommend purchasing this if youre looking for a cabinet. very pleasantly surprised