Easy to assemble and look amazing. Purchased this for my oldest daughters room. She is 7 and loves it! Throws her pillows and stuffed animals on it. Holds up well to constant use. I am worried about stains (crayons, markers, etc...) But that would be with any piece of furniture in a kids room. Fits a small adult well enough however would not recommend for frequent use for adults or for a comfort chair
Petite chair great for girls bedroom
Easy to assemble and look amazing. Purchased this for my oldest daughters room. She is 7 and loves it! Throws her pillows and stuffed animals on it. Holds up well to constant use. I am worried about stains (crayons, markers, etc...) But that would be with any piece of furniture in a kids room. Fits a small adult well enough however would not recommend for frequent use for adults or for a comfort chair