This Table is so perfect and left me with nothing wishing it had. I wanted and sturdy, attractive table to fit in the small space I was decorating. I am a 72 year/old grandmother and was able to assemble the table by myself. Yes it took me all day but I also took breaks to look at the instructions making sure I understood net steps. After I completed assembling the table I was so very pleased with how sturdy it is. The is an added delight as I was not anticipating getting a table with one. It is very attractive and fits my needs in every aspect. Well worth the money and time spent.
value and quality of this product is an A+
This Table is so perfect and left me with nothing wishing it had. I wanted and sturdy, attractive table to fit in the small space I was decorating. I am a 72 year/old grandmother and was able to assemble the table by myself. Yes it took me all day but I also took breaks to look at the instructions making sure I understood net steps. After I completed assembling the table I was so very pleased with how sturdy it is. The is an added delight as I was not anticipating getting a table with one. It is very attractive and fits my needs in every aspect. Well worth the money and time spent.