I recently bought and assembled an Ikea bed the same size and similar style to this bed. was much easier to assemble. One person assembly was quite easy and they gave 2 allen wrench tools of which one was a ratchet style. The headboard was just about the right height. The wings on the headboard were more for decoration than functionality as they only added about 4 inches of wrap. Overall I will buy a second bed from this company for my guest bedroom and Ikea can keep their meatballs. Love the color and it was very comfortable
Ease of assembly was a nice contract to Ikea
I recently bought and assembled an Ikea bed the same size and similar style to this bed. was much easier to assemble. One person assembly was quite easy and they gave 2 allen wrench tools of which one was a ratchet style. The headboard was just about the right height. The wings on the headboard were more for decoration than functionality as they only added about 4 inches of wrap. Overall I will buy a second bed from this company for my guest bedroom and Ikea can keep their meatballs. Love the color and it was very comfortable