First off, the assembly instructions could have been WAY more together. I pretty much just winged it while putting it together. I have the chair pushed off in a corner so guests or myself wont really be tempted to sit in it as Im not very confident that it will hold up. I have probably sat in it a total of 5 times and the comfort level is a solid 2. If youre looking for a chair that cant actually be put to use, spend the extra money and look elsewhere. good buy!
Could have found better
First off, the assembly instructions could have been WAY more together. I pretty much just winged it while putting it together. I have the chair pushed off in a corner so guests or myself wont really be tempted to sit in it as Im not very confident that it will hold up. I have probably sat in it a total of 5 times and the comfort level is a solid 2. If youre looking for a chair that cant actually be put to use, spend the extra money and look elsewhere. good buy!