Priced at $137.99 when purchased..received it yesterday. Very easy to assemble using instructions that were included, comfortable with good back support for me. Lighter in weight than the more expensive chair it replaced, so it rolls easier on my chair mat than Im used to. I cant speak to longevity, of course, but as PU leather Im hoping it doesnt flake like bonded leather does. No complaints at all so far given the price.
Happy with purchase!
Priced at $137.99 when purchased..received it yesterday. Very easy to assemble using instructions that were included, comfortable with good back support for me. Lighter in weight than the more expensive chair it replaced, so it rolls easier on my chair mat than Im used to. I cant speak to longevity, of course, but as PU leather Im hoping it doesnt flake like bonded leather does. No complaints at all so far given the price.