not too hard to put together to spite not very good assembly instructions. The large box it came it was not easy to move around 145lbs the drawer glides are plastic and the rest of it is particle board so if it gets wet it will fall apart. In my opinion Ikea makes a better product for the money, this does have a 5 year warranty not sure what it covers but it does come with a marker to cover up the scratches not happy at all
ok for the price
not too hard to put together to spite not very good assembly instructions. The large box it came it was not easy to move around 145lbs the drawer glides are plastic and the rest of it is particle board so if it gets wet it will fall apart. In my opinion Ikea makes a better product for the money, this does have a 5 year warranty not sure what it covers but it does come with a marker to cover up the scratches not happy at all