We bought this for our 19 month old son who outgrew his mini crib. It took some time to put together but it was very straight forward and everything was labeled so it made it very easy. The who thing is pretty much pressboard so you wont want to get it wet for any prolonged period of time but given the price it is really well worth the purchase. It feels very sturdy and even came with felt feet to keep it from scratching our hardwood floor. That is rare to find these days and I usually buy felt for funriture to protect our floors, so a nice and appreciated touch that they included it. It is sturdy and looks beautiful
5 Star for the Price
We bought this for our 19 month old son who outgrew his mini crib. It took some time to put together but it was very straight forward and everything was labeled so it made it very easy. The who thing is pretty much pressboard so you wont want to get it wet for any prolonged period of time but given the price it is really well worth the purchase. It feels very sturdy and even came with felt feet to keep it from scratching our hardwood floor. That is rare to find these days and I usually buy felt for funriture to protect our floors, so a nice and appreciated touch that they included it. It is sturdy and looks beautiful