Overall the bed was a good price and is pretty. I bought the twin white bed for my 9 year old daughter. The issue I had was with putting it together. The directions messed up screws 4 and 5! It took me forever to figure it out on my own after trial and error! I shouldnt have to play with the directions and figure out myself that the screws were not correct! Plus theres an included wrench that is supposed to be used for screws 4 that the directions didnt even include I had to figure that out myself. So the bed itself once properly put together appears good but the directions are not well written. Anyone trying to build this bed if you for the same directions screws 4 and 5 are switched. HAPPY!!
Nice bed but wrong screws
Overall the bed was a good price and is pretty. I bought the twin white bed for my 9 year old daughter. The issue I had was with putting it together. The directions messed up screws 4 and 5! It took me forever to figure it out on my own after trial and error! I shouldnt have to play with the directions and figure out myself that the screws were not correct! Plus theres an included wrench that is supposed to be used for screws 4 that the directions didnt even include I had to figure that out myself. So the bed itself once properly put together appears good but the directions are not well written. Anyone trying to build this bed if you for the same directions screws 4 and 5 are switched. HAPPY!!