This shelf is very sturdy, the color is really nice. Hardware came nicely packaged and labeled. My only complaint is that there was nothing included to cover the hardware that is clearly visible on the inside, as well as the mount and piece of wall that shows through the back of the shelf, especially since the hardware is silver. Overall, I would purchase this shelf again. I just need to find a solution to the tacky look of the inside / maybe something black to cut and place inside the lining of the cubbies of the shelf to make them look finished.
Good quality console
This shelf is very sturdy, the color is really nice. Hardware came nicely packaged and labeled. My only complaint is that there was nothing included to cover the hardware that is clearly visible on the inside, as well as the mount and piece of wall that shows through the back of the shelf, especially since the hardware is silver. Overall, I would purchase this shelf again. I just need to find a solution to the tacky look of the inside / maybe something black to cut and place inside the lining of the cubbies of the shelf to make them look finished.