I had several issues with these stools. I ordered black color stools, but they sent me white. I requested a replacement t get the black one, and they sent me white again. So I had to carry the huge packages to the UPS store and ended up with white stools again. I decided to keep the white color because I learned that they do not have black ones in stock anymore. Then, I tried to assemble them and found out that one of the stools rising mechanisms is broken. So I had to get another replacement and had to carry the huge package to the UPS again. So it was a very disappointing experience for me. Other than these problems, these are nice and basic bar stools. They are okay quality. They are a bit expensive for what they are. You can find better quality and looking stools for this price.
I had several issues with these stools.
I had several issues with these stools. I ordered black color stools, but they sent me white. I requested a replacement t get the black one, and they sent me white again. So I had to carry the huge packages to the UPS store and ended up with white stools again. I decided to keep the white color because I learned that they do not have black ones in stock anymore. Then, I tried to assemble them and found out that one of the stools rising mechanisms is broken. So I had to get another replacement and had to carry the huge package to the UPS again. So it was a very disappointing experience for me. Other than these problems, these are nice and basic bar stools. They are okay quality. They are a bit expensive for what they are. You can find better quality and looking stools for this price.