The bed is very sturdy and was surprisingly easy to assemble. With two people it took us approximately 25/30 minutes. We were a bit worried about the durability of the bed when we ordered it, since my husband is a bit overweight, but this bed is absolutely solid with a strong middle beam construction. It is definitely much better quality then our old bed, which was from . Would buy this great piece of furniture again any given day, but it looks like we will not have to do that anytime soon. This will probably last us for a very long time and survive a couple of moves. As a plus, the wood is very high quality with a beautiful look and wonderful feel to it. My son loves it!
Great, solid bed!
The bed is very sturdy and was surprisingly easy to assemble. With two people it took us approximately 25/30 minutes. We were a bit worried about the durability of the bed when we ordered it, since my husband is a bit overweight, but this bed is absolutely solid with a strong middle beam construction. It is definitely much better quality then our old bed, which was from . Would buy this great piece of furniture again any given day, but it looks like we will not have to do that anytime soon. This will probably last us for a very long time and survive a couple of moves. As a plus, the wood is very high quality with a beautiful look and wonderful feel to it. My son loves it!