Pretty sturdy. Good size. This couch was a good small spaced couch for us. We moved and wanted something that would not be a pain to move up and down the stairs since we move often.
It is a bit low to the ground if you are someone tall, but for me as a 5 foot 4 in gal, It is perfect. 2 people can sit comfortably that are bigger bodied. My boyfriend and I are both 200+ and we have no problem sitting on this couch together. We use an ottoman cushion to prop our feet up. I love that there is space underneath to store our floor cushions and our pull apart workout mats. Overall this couch is graet for us and it is a nice apartment couch. I would recommend. Im sure the other colors would be cute too
Value is good for the price
Pretty sturdy. Good size. This couch was a good small spaced couch for us. We moved and wanted something that would not be a pain to move up and down the stairs since we move often. It is a bit low to the ground if you are someone tall, but for me as a 5 foot 4 in gal, It is perfect. 2 people can sit comfortably that are bigger bodied. My boyfriend and I are both 200+ and we have no problem sitting on this couch together. We use an ottoman cushion to prop our feet up. I love that there is space underneath to store our floor cushions and our pull apart workout mats. Overall this couch is graet for us and it is a nice apartment couch. I would recommend. Im sure the other colors would be cute too