Super Sturdy! Dont put together on your own though.
received with good condition... thanks seller... good job So this bed frame is ridiculously nice for the amount of money youre paying. Its super sturdy, being made with materials meant to last and which wont creak/break anytime soon. It took awhile to put together, but that was because I was on my own and this is a pretty heavy piece of furniture that has to fit together perfectly or else it wont fit. Whenever putting together, I would go ahead and make sure everything is lined up perfectly before screwing together, because youre not going to be able to bend and twist anything to force it to fit. Also have a partner with you if possible. Other than that, this is a super awesome and really gorgeous frame. I was super pleasantly surprised. Solid metal and wood screwed and welded together into a really pretty product.
Super Sturdy! Dont put together on your own though.
received with good condition... thanks seller... good job So this bed frame is ridiculously nice for the amount of money youre paying. Its super sturdy, being made with materials meant to last and which wont creak/break anytime soon. It took awhile to put together, but that was because I was on my own and this is a pretty heavy piece of furniture that has to fit together perfectly or else it wont fit. Whenever putting together, I would go ahead and make sure everything is lined up perfectly before screwing together, because youre not going to be able to bend and twist anything to force it to fit. Also have a partner with you if possible. Other than that, this is a super awesome and really gorgeous frame. I was super pleasantly surprised. Solid metal and wood screwed and welded together into a really pretty product.