I wanted a small loveseat for my bedroom. This fit the bill. It really doubles as a dog bed for my 80lb Golden. It was easy to assemble. Just screwed the legs on with a wrench they included with the legs. Its comfortable enough for me to sit there with my pup and take a phone call or having my morning coffee. I dont think this will hold up to heavy use but time will tell. The process was quick and easy. Shipped on time and was the color and style I ordered. $279(what I paid) is extremely cheap for a loveseat so Im happy with what I got. Dont expect luxury for this price but I definitely got the look I was going for. Very happy.
Perfect Bedroom Loveseat
I wanted a small loveseat for my bedroom. This fit the bill. It really doubles as a dog bed for my 80lb Golden. It was easy to assemble. Just screwed the legs on with a wrench they included with the legs. Its comfortable enough for me to sit there with my pup and take a phone call or having my morning coffee. I dont think this will hold up to heavy use but time will tell. The process was quick and easy. Shipped on time and was the color and style I ordered. $279(what I paid) is extremely cheap for a loveseat so Im happy with what I got. Dont expect luxury for this price but I definitely got the look I was going for. Very happy.