I was going to use the bench by the backdoor of the house when the kids come in and out.but I dont think the week bench is sturdy enough. The box is fake veneer MDF and used Ikea like screws and locking lugs to hold it togetherexcept they dont tighten the wood together. Had to use strength of the base for which wood screws and pegs were provided for. I used wood glue on the pega which was not in instructions. I ended up adding regidity by drilling my own pilot holes and adding more wood screws to the vertical boards.
Ikea like assembly
I was going to use the bench by the backdoor of the house when the kids come in and out.but I dont think the week bench is sturdy enough. The box is fake veneer MDF and used Ikea like screws and locking lugs to hold it togetherexcept they dont tighten the wood together. Had to use strength of the base for which wood screws and pegs were provided for. I used wood glue on the pega which was not in instructions. I ended up adding regidity by drilling my own pilot holes and adding more wood screws to the vertical boards.