Its a beautiful bench when you can get it together
This bench is beautiful and sturdy. I gave it 2 stars on assembly because there are no explicit directions, just pictures. I struggled with the Cam Lock system, and it took us at least an hour longer than it should have because of those 12 locks. I couldnt get them to lock in. We finally looked up a video that explained what had to be done with a cam lock and we were able to lock it in. After that step, we moved right along. We had no issues with ordering and delivery. Just a caution, look up how to use cam locks before you start.
Its a beautiful bench when you can get it together
This bench is beautiful and sturdy. I gave it 2 stars on assembly because there are no explicit directions, just pictures. I struggled with the Cam Lock system, and it took us at least an hour longer than it should have because of those 12 locks. I couldnt get them to lock in. We finally looked up a video that explained what had to be done with a cam lock and we were able to lock it in. After that step, we moved right along. We had no issues with ordering and delivery. Just a caution, look up how to use cam locks before you start.