The assembly instructions were poor at best. I ALMOST put it back in the box and returned it but because there were no issues with it, I had to pay for the return.
The construction seemed poor and not very sturdy at first. Once I started assembly of the metal frame, it got better.
Overall, its okay. Its overpriced for the quality of the bench. If it were half of what I paid originally, I might be satisfied. I wouldnt buy it again / very disappointed .
Not worth the money
The assembly instructions were poor at best. I ALMOST put it back in the box and returned it but because there were no issues with it, I had to pay for the return. The construction seemed poor and not very sturdy at first. Once I started assembly of the metal frame, it got better. Overall, its okay. Its overpriced for the quality of the bench. If it were half of what I paid originally, I might be satisfied. I wouldnt buy it again / very disappointed .