It is a simple looking design, but feels sturdy and I have had no issues with it. My two daughters now share a room and we needed the bunk beds with one near floor level for our youngest.
I will say that when I was setting it up, I felt nervous about it do to the slats, but they are much sturdier than I had expected. The instructions that came with it are great. Parts being each listed with a letter and tools all numbered.
For the price, it was exactly what I wanted and I am quite pleased. It works and my girls really like it. I am very happy with it
Great Bunk Bed
It is a simple looking design, but feels sturdy and I have had no issues with it. My two daughters now share a room and we needed the bunk beds with one near floor level for our youngest. I will say that when I was setting it up, I felt nervous about it do to the slats, but they are much sturdier than I had expected. The instructions that came with it are great. Parts being each listed with a letter and tools all numbered. For the price, it was exactly what I wanted and I am quite pleased. It works and my girls really like it. I am very happy with it