Works well. Easy assembly. Looks great and is very comfortable. It does lean/tilt a lot which is nice, although could potentially be a little scary. I sat in it before attaching the arms and nearly died when I leaned backwards. You have to attach the arms to use this chair! It cannot support your body weight without them. I dont weigh too much, but I think heavier folks would prefer a sturdier feeling chair. It tilts a lot and feels wobbly if you lean around a lot. I personally love the chair! It was a great purchase for the price!
Great chair
Works well. Easy assembly. Looks great and is very comfortable. It does lean/tilt a lot which is nice, although could potentially be a little scary. I sat in it before attaching the arms and nearly died when I leaned backwards. You have to attach the arms to use this chair! It cannot support your body weight without them. I dont weigh too much, but I think heavier folks would prefer a sturdier feeling chair. It tilts a lot and feels wobbly if you lean around a lot. I personally love the chair! It was a great purchase for the price!