Easy to assemble, I did it by myself in under an hour. Sturdy no issues, exactly what was expected, and no box spring is needed. Good height too, I was worried it sit a little too low, but its actually the perfect height.
It came in one box that wasnt too heavy so I was able to carry it myself. I bought it to use in a rental property and the box it came in fit easily in my car to transport it before assembling. Easy to fix.
Easy to assemble, good quality
Easy to assemble, I did it by myself in under an hour. Sturdy no issues, exactly what was expected, and no box spring is needed. Good height too, I was worried it sit a little too low, but its actually the perfect height. It came in one box that wasnt too heavy so I was able to carry it myself. I bought it to use in a rental property and the box it came in fit easily in my car to transport it before assembling. Easy to fix.