This is a very nice, easy to put together sectional for a small space Great price for a solid piece of furniture. Nicely packaged and not too hard to assemble. It took me about 30 minutes to put it together myself. The instructions were easy to follow. It feels very sturdy. My only minor complaint would be the finish. Based on the pictures, I thought it would be more of an unfinished look but it has a shiny, coated finish.
Nice and sturdy
This is a very nice, easy to put together sectional for a small space Great price for a solid piece of furniture. Nicely packaged and not too hard to assemble. It took me about 30 minutes to put it together myself. The instructions were easy to follow. It feels very sturdy. My only minor complaint would be the finish. Based on the pictures, I thought it would be more of an unfinished look but it has a shiny, coated finish.