This bed is just what I was looking for and the price couldnt be better. It shipped a week faster than estimated delivery. It comes in 2 boxes. I got one on Thursday and the other on Friday. It took my husband and I about an hour to put it together. It is constructed well and very sturdy. I was hesitant to buy a bed online but I was not disappointed. The head board is big and makes a statement for the room. The base and frame are sturdy. My husband was impressed with the metal frame and that it didnt budge once every thing was screwed together. I loved it.
Must buy!!!
This bed is just what I was looking for and the price couldnt be better. It shipped a week faster than estimated delivery. It comes in 2 boxes. I got one on Thursday and the other on Friday. It took my husband and I about an hour to put it together. It is constructed well and very sturdy. I was hesitant to buy a bed online but I was not disappointed. The head board is big and makes a statement for the room. The base and frame are sturdy. My husband was impressed with the metal frame and that it didnt budge once every thing was screwed together. I loved it.