Shipped fairly quickly, FedEx. Received all the parts, and with the written directions the video provided on it was pretty easy to assemble! Feels sturdy, except the ties for the padded spring cover were not well sewn and more than half ripped off during assembly. I have contacted the company about this already, so hopefully they will will help out. We bought this for our young son, and would like the spring cover secured, to decrease any potential injuries. The safety net is very secure, so are not too worried there. Overall very happy with this purchase! Who doesnt love jumping around?
Overall a great buy!
Shipped fairly quickly, FedEx. Received all the parts, and with the written directions the video provided on it was pretty easy to assemble! Feels sturdy, except the ties for the padded spring cover were not well sewn and more than half ripped off during assembly. I have contacted the company about this already, so hopefully they will will help out. We bought this for our young son, and would like the spring cover secured, to decrease any potential injuries. The safety net is very secure, so are not too worried there. Overall very happy with this purchase! Who doesnt love jumping around?