overall product looks good. package arrived with box undamaged, but the screws and parts were not in the plastic package they were shipped in. Screws were all over the box. Some of the smaller wood pieces were jammed into other portions of the chair. This was underneath so I did not think it was worth returning. a few pieces of the chair had scratches and white marks in the wood. Suggestion for the seller. Check your packaging and potentially your delivery service.
packaging needs a lot of work
overall product looks good. package arrived with box undamaged, but the screws and parts were not in the plastic package they were shipped in. Screws were all over the box. Some of the smaller wood pieces were jammed into other portions of the chair. This was underneath so I did not think it was worth returning. a few pieces of the chair had scratches and white marks in the wood. Suggestion for the seller. Check your packaging and potentially your delivery service.