Overall the product is fine. Its very easy to assemble. The slide out drink platform work great. The cushion is well made and has tie strings to secure it to the frame so it doesnt slide around. Its not going to be as sturdy in my opinion because the boards are not as thick as they were back in my day. However, its not flimsy either. Will work fine for most of us and the price is reasonable, at least if you select the yellow cushion. Price varied depending on the color of the cushion, which seemed weird.
Well made but not overly sturdy
Overall the product is fine. Its very easy to assemble. The slide out drink platform work great. The cushion is well made and has tie strings to secure it to the frame so it doesnt slide around. Its not going to be as sturdy in my opinion because the boards are not as thick as they were back in my day. However, its not flimsy either. Will work fine for most of us and the price is reasonable, at least if you select the yellow cushion. Price varied depending on the color of the cushion, which seemed weird.