He loves it. I have had this for eight months now and I just love it. It is so sturdy and easy to put together. In fact, I took it all apart and put it back together again when I moved it from one room to another after I had it for 6 months. It was very easy and went back together the second time just as well as it did the first time I put it together.
It has an old/fashioned look and I love it.
He loves it. I have had this for eight months now and I just love it. It is so sturdy and easy to put together. In fact, I took it all apart and put it back together again when I moved it from one room to another after I had it for 6 months. It was very easy and went back together the second time just as well as it did the first time I put it together. It has an old/fashioned look and I love it.