The instructions could have been more detailed but overall the assembly was not too bad. It took about an hour 1/2. We had to unscrew some parts because like I said the instructions were not detailed enough. Once complete the bed is sturdy but it definitely needs to be bolted to the wall, in order for it to feel secure. I recommend getting some padding for the ladder because its a thin metal bar that does not feel so good on the feet! It actually hurts. Overall, I do recommend this loft bed. My 12 year old son couldnt be happier with it. The desk part of it is nice and spacious for his monitor and PlayStation. The shelves are great for storage as well.
9/10, great bed!
The instructions could have been more detailed but overall the assembly was not too bad. It took about an hour 1/2. We had to unscrew some parts because like I said the instructions were not detailed enough. Once complete the bed is sturdy but it definitely needs to be bolted to the wall, in order for it to feel secure. I recommend getting some padding for the ladder because its a thin metal bar that does not feel so good on the feet! It actually hurts. Overall, I do recommend this loft bed. My 12 year old son couldnt be happier with it. The desk part of it is nice and spacious for his monitor and PlayStation. The shelves are great for storage as well.